My Story

I loved football but I was scared that I’d have to give up being me in the process of becoming a professional football player.

Paralysis through over-analysis happened on the inside. Not showing up on the pitch happened on the outside.

My journey of self-awareness started with football.

Studying the human body intensely over more than a decade also led to deep realisations of the human mind and increased access to higher states of well-being and high performance.

I now know a way to become the best player you can possibly be and not give up being yourself in the process. I call it ‘Enjoy Being You’. I found my true passion and it’s helping you to become the best player and person that you can be.

My Experience

Former Premier League Academy Player:

  • I spent 2 years at Arsenal FC Academy in their U11-13 groups.

A qualified Physiotherapist and Osteopath:

  • Degree in Physiotherapy, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

  • Degree in Osteopathy, International Academy of Osteopathy in Antwerp, Belgium.

Former lecturer with experience in Curriculum Development in higher education in the Netherlands.

Head of Wellbeing & Performance at The Street Soccer Foundation.

Certified Professional Mindset Coach.

If you think I can be of service to you, let’s start a conversation.